The TCWU08 problem in is calculated, which is a homogeneous cell problem consisting of U-238, U-235 and H-1. NECP-Atlas and NJOY2016 are respectively adopted to generate WIMS-D format libraries where 62 fission product nuclides and 23 actinide nuclides are included. All these nuclides are directly chosen from the WLUP project (IAEA). The burnup calculation is carried out by DRAGON5. In the burnup calculation, the cell is burnt in the reactor for the first 1000 days and unloaded from the reactor for another 1000 days. In the first 1000 days, the power is 600.0 kw/kg. The values of effective multiplication factor at different time calculated using different libraries which are prepared by NECP-Atlas and NJOY2016 based on various evaluations. It can be concluded that NECP-Atlas agrees well with NJOY2016 during the whole life.

Differences between NJOY2016 and NECP-Atlas